Soooo I guess I'm gonna start a blog
- Hello my fellow visitors! As I sit here at almost midnight at my desk contemplating about how my day went, I finally decided to start a blog. Don't really know where to go with this to be honest but who ever really does? As an artist I tend to think things over and over and try to plan things down to the littlest detail to the point when I get so overwhelmed that I end up just not doing anything at all. I've actually thought about starting this thing up maybe a year ago but just didn't have the courage to do it. I look up to other fellow illustrators that post tutorials and their own personal insights about what is going on in the artist community and would like to something similar at that. On top of that it would show you guys what type of artist I am and what processes I go through to get my final product. Above all, I'm just another fellow human trying to find my purpose but drawing my path along the way.
- Judith Mendoza